Architectural Review Board FAQs
Description: Protects and furthers the public interest and welfare of the City relating to historic and architectural preservation and enhancement, design compatibility and place making, and the aesthetic and physical improvement of the public realm for greater community benefit. This board votes on Certificates of Appropriateness for exterior alterations to or demolitions of historic buildings.
Meetings: Second Monday of every other month at 10 a.m. in the City Council Chambers, if needed
Members: 6, including representatives from architecture, urban planning, historic preservation, landscape architecture and building/construction trade.
Term: Three years
Additional background: The City of Bradenton has two historic districts. They are the downtown area around the Historic Courthouse and the center of the old Village of Manatee around the intersection of Manatee Avenue East and 9th Street East.
The exterior alteration of a building and signage requires a Certificate of Appropriateness from the city’s Architectural Review Board (ARB). The demolition of buildings can in some cases require a Certificate of Appropriateness. Some changes to the exterior can be approved administratively without an ARB hearing.
Planned Development Projects containing buildings over 45 ft. in height and infill projects exceeding 5 acres require a Design and Compatibility Review even if these projects are outside of the designated historic districts.
The ARB meets, if needed, on the first Monday of every month. Applicants can call 941-932-9422 with any questions.
You may also contact for any of these documents:
Historic District Map
Historic Preservation - Property Tax Exemption Application
Architectural Review Board Agendas & Minutes 2018
Architectural Review Board Agendas & Minutes 2019