City Clerk

The City Clerk provides a variety of administrative and operational support services for the Mayor, City Council, City Administrator and the citizens of Bradenton and is responsible for the overall management of the official records for the City of Bradenton. The City Clerk is responsible for development and maintenance of the official records of the City including meeting agendas, minutes, actions of the City Council, public notices, resolutions and ordinances. The City Clerk is also responsible for providing access to City records and ensuring transparency to the public. The City Clerk ensures compliance with all federal, state and local laws including Florida’s Sunshine Law and Public Records Act.

Federal and state laws apply to all Florida municipalities. Bradenton addresses matters specific to our city with ordinances adopted by Bradenton City Council. Since its inception, the Bradenton City Council has adopted numerous ordinances. The City partners with MuniCode for the summarizing and codification of its City ordinances, which you can view at Bradenton Code of OrdinancesTo request an executed ordinance in its entirety, please send an email to

In accordance with section 166.041(4)(c), Florida Statutes, beginning October 1, 2023, counties and municipalities are required to complete a “business impact estimate” for proposed ordinances, subject to exemptions noted in the Law. To view the estimates, please visit the Business Impact Estimate page.

Public Records

This section of our website is designed to assist in the process of requesting and obtaining public records from the City of Bradenton. Read about Florida laws that govern public records and understand the process of making a request.

Local Business Tax

Anyone who transacts any business or engages in any occupation or profession within the city limits of Bradenton is required to pay the Local Business Tax. Learn all you need to know about that here.

Contact & Department Forms

Want to reach someone in our department? Here’s how.

And here are some forms you might need from the City Clerk Department.