Bradenton Fire Department
The Bradenton Fire Department (BFD) is organized to provide fire prevention and emergency services to all those living in, working in, and visiting the City of Bradenton. We are a mission-driven workforce, comprised of diverse individuals upholding our department values while demonstrating excellence in service delivery, supported by measurable performance.
Here is information you may need about Vacation Rentals in Bradenton

Whether we provided emergency fire or medical response, a business fire inspection, life safety education, or any other assistance… please let us know how our service delivery ranks via this Customer Service Survey
All responses are anonymous unless you choose to leave your information for follow-up.
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As a municipal fire department, the Bradenton Fire Department serves the City of Bradenton, Florida as a comprehensive first responder agency. Learn more about our services, physical resources, values, and vision for the future.
Hazard Prevention and Life Safety
From guidance on fire extinguishers to smoke alarms, and safety tips on batteries to space heaters, you’ll find it here.
Emergency Preparedness
Information about preparedness, planning, response, and recovery from local, State, and Federal authorities. Check here to learn about evacuations, shelters, weather, and more!
Learn about our requirements and qualifications for employment, along with organizational information, benefits, testing and application processes.
Hot Topics (FAQs)
Are grills allowed on patios? How should medication be disposed of? What is that chirping noise from the smoke alarm? Find all this and more in our hot topics.