Housing & Community Development Division



Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program

Created in 1974, the Community Development Block Grant is a flexible program that provides communities with resources to address a wide range of unique community development needs, including housing. The City of Bradenton is an "entitlement community," receiving a formula-based annual allocation of CDBG funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

The following documents are available via email from housing@bradentonfl.gov or for inspection at City Hall:

Citizen Participation Plan
2017-2021 Consolidated Plan Annual Action Plan
2019-20 CDBG CAPER
2020-21 CDBG Annual Action Plan

Fair Housing (FH)

The Consolidated Plan regulations require City of Bradenton to "affirmatively further fair housing" (AFFH) within their jurisdiction. One tool to demonstrate affirmatively furthering fair housing is the completion of an Analysis of Impediments (AI) to Fair Housing Choice study. The AI is a review of impediments to fair housing choice in the public and private sector.

State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) Program

Funding is provided from the State to the City of Bradenton as an incentive to create partnerships that produce and preserve affordable home ownership. The program was designed to provide very low, low, and moderate-income families with assistance to purchase a home, repair, and/or replace a home. Since 1998, the City has expended $6,447,463.06 to date of assistance for affordable housing. This program also benefits the city through the creation of property tax payers and increased tax revenues as a result of property improvements that increase the value of the properties rehabilitated.

City Owned Surplus Properties

The City Administration Department maintains a list of all City owned property.  This list is reviewed on a regular basis to determine if the City has a current or future use for each parcel of property.  If not, the property may be declared as surplus by City Council.  The parcel can be declared merely as surplus, or surplus and suitable for affordable housing.  Pursuant to F.S. 166.0451, City Council will adopt a Resolution declaring properties as surplus and suitable for affordable housing. 

Once a property has been declared as surplus, it can be listed on the City's website with an invitation for sealed bids.  Surplus property solicitations are advertised in the Bradenton Herald and posted on this page with instructions for placing a bid.  All bids received must state the proposed purchase price and shall be accompanied by a 10% deposit in the form of a certified or cashier’s check, payable to the City of Bradenton.  All bids must be submitted in an envelope marked “SEALED BID – CONSIDERED DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY” and must include a project description that includes the proposed intended use of the property, the scope of the project, a timeline for implementation, proof of funds for cash purchase or a Letter of Credit from a lender for financing, a proposed closing date and name, address and contact information.  (Bid Form )

The Division of Housing & Community Development maintains a listing of City owned properties that have been declared as surplus as well as those that are appropriate for use as affordable housing.  The property list is updated and provided to the City Council for review every three years as required by F.S. 166.0451.

The current list of properties that have been declared surplus, but not suitable for affordable housing, are shown below.  If you click on the property address, the link will bring you to the Manatee County Property Appraiser's website for additional information:  

1701 Manatee Avenue East, Bradenton, FL 34205 - Parcel ID #1249301009 - .02523 +/- Acres

1719 Manatee Ave E, Bradenton, FL 34205 - Parcel ID #121749501009 - 0.1363 +- Acres

1723 Manatee Ave E, Bradenton, FL 34205 - Parcel ID #1249701009 - 0.1353 +/- Acres

2104 12th Ave W., Bradenton, FL 34205 - Parcel ID #407160003 - 0.4890 +/- Acres


The current list of properties that have been declared surplus and suitable for affordable housing:

907 15th Street W., Bradenton, FL 34205 - Parcel ID #4375700004 - 0.4890 +/- Acres

1105 18th Street W, Bradenton, FL 34205 – Parcel ID #4385500006 - .2507 +/- Acres

1108 2nd Street W., Bradenton, FL 34205 - Parcel ID #4298300007 - 0.0918 +/- Acres


Pursuant to F.S. 166.0451(2), the properties listed above, as suitable for affordable housing, may be:

  •  Used for affordable housing through a long term land lease requiring the development and maintenance of affordable housing
  • Offered for sale and the proceeds used to purchase land for the development of affordable housing
  • Offered for sale and the proceeds used to increase the local government fund earmarked for affordable housing
  • Sold with a restriction that requires the development of the property as permanent affordable housing
  • Donated to a non-profit housing organization for the construction of permanent affordable housing
  • Otherwise made available for the production and preservation of permanent affordable housing.


Individuals or entities interested in City owned Parcels are advised to submit a sealed Bid Form to: 


Corey Fortin, Policy, Planning, Procedures & Real Estate Administrator:  Corey.Fortin@BradentonFL.gov


The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids.  Requests for proposals are evaluated by the City of Bradenton.  The typical evaluation criteria includes, but is not limited to:


  • Development Plan
  • Project Timeline
  • Proof of Financial Capacity/Ability to complete project
  • Developer Experience
  • Neighborhood compatibility
  • Compatibility with the City of Bradenton Comprehensive Plan

Upon acceptance of a bid by City Council, the successful bidder will enter into a contract prepared by the City Attorney for the purchase of the Property.

The City makes no warranties as to the marketability of title and all properties are sold “AS IS” generally by Quit Claim Deed or Special Warranty Deed. 

 For the current list of CRA Owned properties that have been declared surplus and suitable for affordable housing please contact the CRA by phone at 941-932-9439 or email CRA@bradentonfl.gov.