Floodplain Management Program

Flooding is one of Florida's most frequent hazards!  To learn more about local Floodplain Management simply click on the links below.


Flood Hazard Publications and Information

It should be noted that the City of Bradenton has identified areas of concern that are prone to flooding as a result of heavy rains. Historically, these areas and roadways have proven to become impassable by normal vehicular traffic. Therefore, extra care should be taken in the following locations:

  • Riverview Boulevard along the Manatee River
  • East Riverside Drive along the Manatee River
  • 1000 block of East Manatee Avenue
  • All roadways along Wares Creek

These locations are not certain to flood, nor are they inclusive of all that will flood. This is only a guide to identify areas prone to flooding based on past incidences.

Click on the link to access the City of Bradenton Public Safety Interactive Map.

All manufactured/mobile home residents in the county must evacuate at ALL evacuation levels!!

What is your Community's flood risk?

There are different reasons a community may flood; storm surge, river flooding or heavy rainfall. Low-lying or poorly drained areas can also increase a community's flood risk. Due to the relatively flat terrain across Florida, it is complicated to drain accumulated water. When rivers rise, water tends to spread out far from riverbanks. In the case of the 1997-98 El Niño floods, rising rivers and repeated periods of heavy rainfall combined to pool water over land located miles away from rivers. In fact, normally small rivers turned into vast lakes.

Pooling of water poses a significant risk, not as much from swift moving water, but more from one’s inability to judge water depth. Water only inches deep can be next to water that is several feet deep. To protect yourself, learn what flood threats affect your community:

  • Determine if there are rivers or creeks that flood frequently.
  • Is your home located in a low-lying area?
  • Determine your home's elevation.

Visit the Manatee County website to view the Public Safety Map Viewer. This interactive map allows citizens to search for their property and identifies the location of the 100 year flood zone and evacuation zones.


Turn Around, Don't Drown!

As little as one foot of (moving) water can move most cars off the road.

  • Just six inches of fast-moving flood water can sweep a person off his or her feet.
  • Most flood-related deaths occur at night and are vehicular.
  • Urban and small stream flash floods often occur in less than one hour.
  • Tropical cyclones pose significant risk well inland due to fresh water flooding.

What Actions Should You Take To Be Prepared?

  • Determine whether you live in a potential flood zone.
  • Keep abreast of road conditions through the news media. Move to a safe area before access is cut off by flood water.
  • Develop a flood emergency action plan.
  • Have FLOOD INSURANCE. Flood damage is not usually covered by homeowners insurance. Do not make assumptions. Check your policy. Flood Insurance can have a 30 day waiting period. Depending on your Flood Insurance Policy you may cover both structural damage and contents to certain maximums.

Flood Warning and Response

Door-to-door warning sometimes can also be accomplished with law enforcement or fire department vehicles public address systems.  Flood warnings can be received directly from the National Weather Service by NOAA Weather Alert Receivers. These units are available from local electronic stores.   Manatee County Emergency Management has the ability to warn geographical areas via an automated telephone notification system. When the Emergency Operations Center is activated, Emergency Management will post the latest weather advisory and opened shelters on its website at #Manatee Ready. The storm track will also be provided for a tropical storm or hurricane. Manatee Government Access (MGA-TV), the county cable channel will be utilized to broadcast information to the public. Additional television and radio news sources include: Bay News 9, WFTS Channel 7, WFLA Channel 8, WTSP Channel 10, WTVT Channel 13, WJIS-FM 88.1, WMTX-FM 100.7, WYNF-FM 105.9, WCTQ-FM 106.5, WFLA-AM 970, WBRD-AM 1420, and WWPR-AM 1490. 


A personal disaster kit should include:

  • Prescription drugs
  • Portable radio
  • Water for 7 days in clean containers
  • Hygiene items
  • Batteries
  • Important Papers
  • Clothing
  • Non-perishable food
  • Flashlight
  • First aid kit
  • Listen to weather information updates
  • Plan a flood-free evacuation route and destination and notify family/friends of that destination
  • Clear your yard of loose objects
  • Protect your windows and glass doors
  • If sewer lines are damaged or backed up, avoid flushing toilets
  • Secure your boat
  • Turn off the main water, gas, and electric supply
  • Move valuable contents to a safe area
  • Clean and disinfect anything that got wet from flood waters 

Evacuation zones may be seen at Emergency Management Homepage. You may also locate your zone by selecting Maps and using the Interactive Maps. Searches may be done by owner, address, or tax identification number. Shelter information is also available on this webpage.   For assistance in locating your evacuation zone, route, shelter or to register for special needs evacuation assistance, contact the Department of Public Safety at 941-749-3500, or Citizen’s Action Center at 941-742-5800.   Additional information can be found in your telephone book, Manatee County Hurricane Guide, the Manatee County website's Emergency Management homepage, the Federal Emergency Management Agency website www.fema.gov, and the Florida Department of Emergency Management website at www.floridadisaster.org.

Bradenton is a Participating Community in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

All Floodplain Development is permitted through our office. For questions regarding Floodplain Management or to report un-permitted development please call (941) 932-9405.

Through the administration of local Floodplain Management Ordinances, Federal Regulations, and The Florida Building Code, Policy Holders are provided Flood Insurance Opportunities.

Find more Flood Design information in the Florida Building Code


Protect Yourself

Since standard homeowners' insurance doesn't cover flooding, it's important to have protection from the floods associated with hurricanes, tropical storms, heavy rains and other conditions that impact the U.S.

In 1968, Congress created the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to help provide a means for property owners to financially protect themselves. The NFIP offers flood insurance to homeowners, renters, and business owners if their community participates in the NFIP. Participating communities agree to adopt and enforce ordinances that meet or exceed FEMA requirements to reduce the risk of flooding.

Find out more about the NFIP and how it can help you protect yourself.

Learn about The NFIP Partnership >> Learn your risk, and find an agent, by taking Your Risk Profile.