City of Bradenton Launches Service Line Inventory Project to Ensure Safe Drinking Water


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                         
June 5, 2024                                                                         


City of Bradenton Launches Service Line Inventory Project to Ensure Safe Drinking Water


BRADENTON, FL – The City of Bradenton is committed to safeguarding public health by ensuring our water meets or exceeds all federals standards. In proactive compliance with the Environmental Protection Agency’s Rule Revisions, we have launched our Service Line Inventory Project. This initiative will help us assess the current status of service lines and prioritize efforts to maintain the integrity of our drinking water system.


As part of the inventory initiative, technicians from our Public Works Department will soon begin canvassing all homes and businesses within city limits. This project will continue through late fall. Resident participation is essential in this initiative to help us build a comprehensive inventory and ensure compliance with the latest water quality standards.

Beginning with Ward 1, City personnel will place door hangers at each location. These notices will inform residents and business owners of the upcoming inventory in their area, request their cooperation by a specified date, and detail their participation options. The City will inventory the utility-owned side of the meter. Please note that all City workers and vendor employees will carry proper identification.


Residents will have two options: the preferred method is to provide a water sample from a cold water tap (kitchen or bathroom sink) inside their home; alternatively, they may opt to dig up a shovel-sized hole on their side of the meter. Detailed instructions for the chosen method will be provided once the City receives a response. Residents may respond by phone, email, or through the web-based form located on our website. The webpage also provides crucial information such as step-by-step instructions, a video tutorial, and a frequently asked questions page to assist residents in deciding on their sampling option.  


For more details about the project and inventory sampling options, please visit, email:, or contact us by phone at (941) 708-6384.


For more about your drinking water or to report concerns, please contact us at (941) 727-6366. To view a copy of our annual Consumer Confidence Report on the quality of your drinking water, visit or call us to request a physical copy.
