Frequently Asked Questions
How can I pay my utility bill?
Here are several ways to pay your bill
What if I do not receive my bill?
All utility bills are produced monthly within a 28 to 32 day billing schedule.
If you do not receive your bill in any month, please be aware you are still responsible for payment and possible service disruption if no payment is received on time. You should either check your balance online or call customer service for the balance due.
Will I receive notice before my water is shut off for non-payment?
The notice to discontinue service is printed in the center of the bill if payment has not been received as authorized under the below city code.
If any bill for water and sewer service charges, including tax, shall not be paid before the 20th day following the original date of billing, an additional charge equal to ten percent of the amount of such bill, including tax, shall be added thereto. If the amount of such water and sewer service charges shall not be paid within 30 days from the rendition of such bill, the director of public works shall discontinue furnishing water to such premises and shall disconnect the premises from the waterworks system of the city and shall proceed forthwith to recover the amount of such water and sewer service charges in such lawful manner as he may deem advisable. (Code 1971, § 26-32)
Where is my water meter and why do I have two?
Your water meter is normally located at the front corner of your lot, housed in a rectangle shaped meter box which should be at grade so your lawn mower does not damage it. Some homes and businesses actually have a second meter which is used for irrigation.
How often is it read and will I be notified if they suspect a leak?
Water meters are read and inspected every 28 to 32 days. If any employee inspects your meter and suspects leaking, a knock on the door will occur or a blue hang tag will be left notifying you of the possible leaking condition on your service line.
Who do I call if I have a problem with the water or sewer service after regular business hours?
You can phone our emergency night line at (941) 708-6300
Please note there will be a minimum charge for all routine service calls requested by the customer that is not the result of defective city equipment.
What is the stormwater fee on my utility bill?
The general purpose of the storm water utility include administration, management services, operation and maintenance of stormwater infrastructure; engineering studies and programs; regulation of drainage; and financing of existing and future repairs, replacements, improvements and extensions of the stormwater and related infrastructure. (b) All property within the city shall be subject to the utility. (Ord. No. 2562, § 1, 10-23-96)
What is the dumping fee on my utility bill?
All residents, tenants, owners or occupants of lots or premises where there is an accumulation of garbage or trash required to be removed by the city shall pay to the city for such services the sums as established by resolution of the city council and on file in the office of the city clerk and treasurer. (Code 1971, § 12-45)
What are the current watering restrictions?
The City of Bradenton bases its water usage rules on the recommendations of the Southwest Florida Water Management District.
Lawn watering is limited to no more than twice per week. Even addresses may water on Thursday and/or Sunday before 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m. Odd addresses may water on Wednesday and/or Saturday before 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m. Locations without a discernible address, such as rights-of-way and common areas inside a subdivision, may water on Tuesday and/or Friday before 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m. Hand watering and micro-irrigation of plants (other than lawns) can be done on any day and any time.
New lawns and plants have a "30-30" establishment period. On the day of installation, watering is allowed on any day at any time. During the first 30 days, watering is allowed on any day during the allowable hours, before 10 a.m. and after 4 p.m. During the second 30 days, watering is allowed three days per week: even-numbered addresses may water on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday; odd-numbered addresses may water Monday, Wednesday and Saturday; and locations without a discernible address (rights-of-way and common areas) may water on Tuesday, Friday and Sunday.
There are no specific restrictions on fountains, car washing and pressure washing. These and other water uses should be conducted as efficiently as possible, such as using a shutoff nozzle on each hose to lessen wasteful water use.
If you have questions or would like to report a watering violation, please call the Water Hotline at 1-800-848-0499 (FL only) and leave a detailed message; or call 1-800-836-0797 (FL only), ext. 2298 during business hours. You may also email or visit
I have a question that is not posted here.
Email us your question to Please be sure to include your name and account number.