Planning & Zoning Division

Development Services

Development Services is the interface between the customer preparing their land development application and City Staff who conduct the plan and site review.

Services offered by Development Services include:

  • Development Regulation Consulting
  • Application Review and Processing
  • Land Use and Zoning Verification
  • Zoning Permit Review
  • Architectural and Site Plan Review
  • Mapping and Geographic Information Systems


Zoning in the City of Bradenton is guided by two legislatively adopted zoning ordinances, the Land Use Regulations and the Form-Based Code. The Land Use Regulations follow “traditional” zoning practices, which separate land uses based on intensity. Form-Based Code is a zoning method that places the focus of development squarely on the physical form of a building or area rather than to the actual use. Both zoning ordinances provide development standards for each zoning district including the number of parking spaces, the maximum height of building, and the minimum distance or setback a building must be from the property line. (To receive development standards for Planned Development Projects, or PDPs, please contact the Development Services & Zoning Division with the name, address, and/or parcel ID number of the project. 

To view Land Use Regulations and the Form-Based Code, please email


GIS Maps & Data:

  • To check your property’s zoning district, type your street address in the search box of our interactive Land Development Web Mapping Application.
  • View the Zoning District Maps.  (Density requirements for Form-Based Code zoning districts can be viewed in the Comprehensive Plan's Future Land Use Element, available at City Hall, 101 Old Main Street, or email